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flag waveMcgruff

squad car

Tribute to All Police Officers

You are in Our Hearts


This is for all the Police Officers who serve the citizens of our great nation.They are people with families just like you.We have the deepest respect for each and every one of them.


memory of fallen


Somebody killed a policeman today,

and a part of America died.

A piece of our country he swore to protect

will be buried with him, at his side.

The suspect who shot him will stand up in court,

with counsel demanding his rights.

While a young widowed mother must work for her kids

and spend alone many long nights.

The beat that he walked was a battlefield too,

just as if he'd gone off to war.

Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,

to his name they will add a gold star.

Yes, somebody killed a policeman today.

It happened in your town or mine.

While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors

a cop put his life on the line.

Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street

and he stands at each new rookie's side.

He answered the call and gave us his all

and a part of America died.


A Cop On The Take

First he takes his oath, now look at what he takes

He takes it in stride when people call him pig. He takes time to stop and talk with children. He takes your verbal abuse while giving you a ticket you really deserved. He takes on creeps you would be afraid to look at.

He takes time away from his family to keep you safe. He takes your injured children to the hospital. He takes the graveyard shift without complaint because it's his turn. He takes his life into his hands daily.

He takes you home when your car breaks down. He takes time to explain why both headlights have to work. He takes the job no one else wants - telling you a loved one has died. He takes criminals to jail.

He takes in sights that would make you cry. Sometimes he cries too, but takes it anyway because he has to. If he is lucky he takes retirement. He takes memories to bed each night that you couldn't bare for a day.

Sometimes he takes a bullet. And, yes he may take a free cup of coffee.

Then one day he pays for all he has taken -

God takes him.

By Wayne A. Linney

praying hands

A Police Officer's Prayer

Lord, I ask for courage, Courage to face and conquer my own fears...

Courage to take me where others will not go...

I ask for strength - Strength of body to protect others,

and strength of spirit to lead others...

I ask for dedication -

Dedication to my job, to do it well,

Dedication to my community, to keep it safe...

Give me, Lord, concern for those who trust me

and compassion for those who need me...

And please, Lord, Through it all, be at my side.

dont drink

Please visit our page honoring

Telecommunications Officers

Visit our page of

Dispatchers Prayers

Also visit our jokes page for

Cop Jokes

They have a great sense of humor.They have to just to keep their sanity.

Please Visit My Patriotic Juke Box




The next time you see a Police Officer please thank him or her.They put their lives on the line every day for the citizens of their communities.


Let me know you were here.Please Sign!!

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Cops OnLine

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

National Association of Police Officers

International Union of Police Associations

MADD--Mothers Against Drunk Driving



