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Name: John Edward Conger, Jr.
SYNOPSIS:PFC John E. Conger, Jr.was a rifleman for Company A, 3rd
Battalion,7th Infantry Brigade, and was serving in that capacity on January 27,
1969 on a search and destroy mission in Long An Province, South Vietnam near
the city of Tan An.
The unit was inserted by helicopter and began a sweep. While crossing
a field,Congar's company was taken under fire by enemy machine guns. During
the initial fire four men were wounded. PFC Conger moved up to attempt to knock
out the machine gun nest and was reportedly wounded in the right shoulder and
neck.Attempts to recover Conger and five other wounded individuals at that
time were unsuccessful because of continuing fire.
On January 28, U.S. artillery and aircraft shelled and bombed the area
while U.S. ground forces cordoned off the area. By January 29, the area had
been secured, but Conger and the other individuals could not be located.
On October 13, 1969, the remains of the individuals who had been missing
with Conger were found, but no trace of Conger was located. No further searches
were conducted.
PFC John Conger was declared Missing in Action. It was never learned
whether he was killed that day in January or not. He might have survived to be
taken prisoner.
As reports continue to flow in indicating that Americans are still alive
and captives in Southeast Asia, it becomes increasingly apparent that PFC
Conger could be among them. If so, what must he be thinking of his country?
Rank/Branch: E3/US Army
Unit: Company A, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Brigade
Date of Birth: 07 January 1950 (Columbus OH)
Home City of Record: Lebanon OH
Date of Loss: 27 January 1969
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 103954N 1062519E (XS555802)
Status (in 1973): Missing in Action
Category: 2
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: Ground
Other Personnel in Incident: (none missing)
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Honor Our POW/MIA's; Gain A Full-Accounting of Our POW/MIA's;
Educate the Public about POW/MIA's; Ensure This Never Happens Again!
Many accounts of living POW's have come to the attention of the US Government,but none has ever been investigated or taken seriously by our Government.
Pfc John E Conger Jr,as are all of our POW-MIA's;a real American HERO.He answered his Country's call to duty;his fate remains unknown.He has shown;possibly with his life his devotion & loyalty to his Country and his fellow citizens.Certainly,such loyalty and devotion to Country should not be repaid with such apathy from the Government he so unselfishly & faithfully served.
Write the President,your Senators and Congressmen.Since politicians seem only to respond to issues that has a bearing on their ability to get votes;it takes a LOUD VOICE to get their attention.It will take a LOUD OUTCRY from the AMERICAN PEOPLE to get any action on thePOW-MIA ISSUE
When you write your elected officials you must be blunt,concise and to the point.Do not give these politicians a chance to side step this extremely important issue.Be specific;have facts to back up your allegations.Following are links to E Mail Addresses of elected officials.
Please remember these VETS sacrificed for you.Without your voice their sacrifice will mean nothing.If you speakLOUD
something may be done.If you WHISPER nothing will be done.If you remain silent you are condoning all that have FORGOT.Please speak up!!
whose POW-MIA page inspired me to get involved.